Posts tagged: Sam Gilksman

Charting New Territory

By , August 1, 2014 11:54 am

Taking a hint from the Island

Writing a blog that sustains the author is one endeavor – writing one that engages others is quite another story. This year, I hope to do both as I turn this journey from teaching to demonstrating learning through technology. That is not exactly the shift, but a new position and redirection of my professional path requires a statement. The last year has held many profound experiences both personal and professional. Traveling to India stands as a highlight but the loss of another dear friend and two canine companions causes me to pause as I look towards the new school year beginning in just a few days. How will I live as a positive change agent in the classrooms and schools that I serve? How can this new role as ‘Digital Technology Facilitator’ be one that inspires students and teachers to embrace this exciting age of creativity while also encouraging a global awareness of compassion and problem solving?

One step at a time – that’s how! I will meet the needs with small tools and build broader projects as we nurture trust. Learning green screen technology on the iPad sent me looking on the web for tips and tricks. This statement, “One way to depict the cycle of education is that it moves between the development of learning and the subsequent expression of understanding” (Sam Gilksman) really hit home. There is no doubt that education cycles between theories, policies, standards, and assessments. But it also cycles through the tools that allow our students to express what they know. Digital technology delivers a ripe landscape for creative expression. Keeping up with the tools is almost as important as continuing to understand the students who will use them. These children of smartphones, tablets, global unrest, and extreme climate change. In them lie our clues. Clues to how they learn and what they need from us.

Charting a new course and committing to sharing it here. One day at a time.

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