The Door Step School

By , July 18, 2013 12:30 pm

The Door Step School

Let me explain this program in pictures. There is construction going on all over India. The workers migrate to where the building is taking place.  Their children go with them and would normally be largely unsupervised and definitely out of school. By definition this was astonishing, but I likened it to the migrant workers at home, those that follow the crops and transfer in and out of schools. These Indian students do not register for the public schools. There is no way to get there or to get back and no way to monitor or follow the workers. Door Step School saw the problem and came up with a solution. In situations where there is a camp set up near the construction site , Door Step follows suit, builds a tin shed, and locates the children. Teachers are trained, logs are created to follow the students, and skills and attendance are taken daily. The teachers were very proud of their system – now, if the construction finishes and the family moves on, Door Step can transfer the records to another school that will start up where needed. This was not the most meager set up that we have seen but it is close. Here we go…

The families at work on a luxury high rise.

This is the village that has sprouted up to house the families.

We could not resist sharing a moment with the students. Most were shy, but this little one had an impish grin that lit up the room.

See what I mean?

I have been trying to upload a photo of the families as they collected their little ones for lunch – it is not going to happen tonight. We were overwhelmed by the simplicity and genuine grace in their collection. This is home to many tender families.

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